The great Indian ROOSTER COOP

⊆ 3:23 AM by jack | , . | ˜ 1 comments »

Once I was walking across chicken market and saw how they kept chickens in that market. Hundreds of roosters and hens packed tightly in wire-meshed cages, packed tightly like worms in a belly, peaking at each other, fighting for breathing space. The whole cage giving off a horrible stench, stench of terrified, feathered flesh. Above the rooster coops sat a butcher, showing off the flesh and organs of chopped up chickens, his knife still coated with dark blood. The chickens below just watch the blood and the remains of one among them. Each chicken helplessly saw the butchering waiting for their turn. They know they are next. Yet they do not rebel. They do not even try to get out of the coop.

The same very thing is done with us in our country. Observe the roads when you get time in crowded city. Observe those people who are not as privileged as us. Take a rickshaw driver, a chauffeur, a daily wage worker. They have one routine each day that s working for their masters. They don’t know what booming economy is they don’t know what politics is all about they don’t know what terrorism is, they even don’t know what change we want to bring about. For them it’s only about those bread and butter for them and their family. They are caught in that rooster cage, they won’t rebel, and they won’t even try to get out of it even if they are exploited only because by doing so they lose their bread.

They are just too afraid and in a way helpless just like those roosters. Never before in human history have so few owned so too many. A handful of men in our country have trained remaining 99 per cent which are as strong, as talented, and as intelligent in every way to exist n perpetual servitude; servitude so strong that you can put the key of his emancipation in a man’s hands and he will throw it back at you with a curse. It s not their fault, my family has been working for upliftment of such man and believe me they even don’t know what a good life is. They see at us and don’t have the feeling of fellow country man but they curse us and believe that it’s because of people like them we are suffering.

I have to questions to ask to all the readers, who created this rooster coop and why it is working so effectively
For me the answer is our SAB CHALTA HAI attitude, with whatever injustice we face we won’t speak up, we won’t rebel and it’s this attitude that has created this rooster coop.

Second question is can we as a country break free from this rooster coop. yes we can but we need bold steps, we need that change, yes in our political and judiciary system but before that in our own mind set. We need to stand up in our own life’s and try to remove this inequality on our daily basis, this inequality among society is eating our country away and we need to stand up and become a white tiger as described by Arvind adiga in his book.
(inspired by the book WHITE TIGER)

One Response to “The great Indian ROOSTER COOP”

  1. Anonymous Says:
    i am so inspired by yur write up, although i couldnt get which man is supported by your family part, but everything is such truth. bitter and hard, yes i agree.

    I had been throughly saddened by what is happening in my country, the mayhem, the lack of every sanity and the terrorism. My panic attacks got so frequent that I ended up isolating, leaving all the media because it isnt bringing good to me.

    you asked the "why" about the system, the answer is simple in my country, it is ruled by a couple of feudal lords, who would lose their sovereign powers once the nation is economically independent and educated/liberated/free people will never serve them as slaves, so these hand ful of people are obscuring the reforms that can bring revolution in lives of people. and for them we're suffering.

    We are sad people and try to remain oblivious of the fact, we hear the stabbing silently because if anyone of us stand up and shout he'll be the first one to catch the butcher's attention and be killed, so lets wait and watch and be killed.

    the fact is that the big people are just too big, Of course the Supreme power is Allah and I cent per cent agree that the attitude is utterly wrong, but i am so weak, you think i will stand against the govt and in return suffer and see my family suffer? what has happened to the most powerful man in the country, our Chief Justice, he stood for justice and he lost everything.

    I think before taking any steps we should first unite, be strong enough to threat govt and big sharks, so the first step towards freedom is unity, are you ready for it?

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